
The Standard category includes a wide range of reliable and durable PVC piping unions designed for seamless installation and secure connections in plumbing systems. With various sizes available from 1/4" to 1 1/2", these unions are essential for connecting pipes with different threading types or slip fittings.

Constructed with O-Ring seals, the unions in this category provide a tight and leak-proof connection, ensuring the integrity of the plumbing system. Whether it is slip x slip, slip x Fpt, slip x Mpt, or Fpt x Fpt union, each product in this category offers high-quality performance and ease of use.

Ideal for both residential and commercial applications, the Standard category unions are suitable for a wide range of plumbing projects. Whether you are repairing a leak or installing new piping, these unions provide a convenient solution for connecting pipes securely and efficiently.

With a focus on durability and longevity, the Standard category unions are built to withstand the rigors of plumbing systems, providing a reliable connection for years to come. Trust in the quality and performance of these unions to ensure smooth and efficient plumbing operations in any setting.